Botanical Health Oils Hardware Ltd
Packing Rod Handle
Packing Rod Handle F-M10 Thread With 4mm Hole
If you're already using our packing rods you may need an additional handle to screw into the final rod, this piece comes with an M-10 Female thread. It comes drilled with a 4mm hole so that user can easily hang the rod storing it neatly away.
This will fit with our packing rod kits and additional packing rods.

Packing Rod Handle
Packing Rod Handle F-M10 Thread With 4mm Hole
If you're already using our packing rods you may need an additional handle to screw into the final rod, this piece comes with an M-10 Female thread. It comes drilled with a 4mm hole so that user can easily hang the rod storing it neatly away.
This will fit with our packing rod kits and additional packing rods.